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Which is better and what's the difference between Mexican overseas warehouse and domestic direct hair?
Issued by:Latam Cross Border Service
Which is better and what's the difference between Mexican overseas warehouse and domestic direct hair?Many people say that it is better to send a piece of Mexican overseas warehouse on behalf of others. Others say that domestic direct hair is more suitable. I don't know how to choose?Let's analyze it with Xiaobian.


From a conceptual point of view:

One piece consignment in Mexico overseas warehouse usually refers to the one-time delivery of cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse, that is, local delivery through local warehouse, so as to improve the timeliness of commodity delivery and enhance the shopping experience of buyers. In recent years, the one-piece consignment mode has been widely used.


Domestic direct delivery entrusts domestic cross-border logistics to send goods directly from China to foreign buyers by sea, road and air.




From a practical point of view:

One piece consignment in Mexico overseas warehouse is the most cost-effective delivery mode. First, it helps the seller save time and energy without dealing with storage, delivery, packaging and other problems;Secondly, the overall freight rate of goods shipped in batches will be far lower than that of domestic direct delivery, and the timeliness is faster than that of domestic direct delivery. The most convenient thing is operation and maintenance.After the goods are delivered from the local overseas warehouse, it can not only improve the trust and shopping experience of buyers, but also enhance the repurchase rate of products.


The biggest advantage of domestic direct hair is convenient operation, simple process and flexible delivery.For novice sellers who have just entered the cross-border e-commerce market, domestic direct distribution will not bring too much economic pressure and inventory pressure to sellers, and will not cause a crisis in the capital chain even in the off-season.


To sum up, summary and suggestions on cross-border services in Latin America: one consignment in Mexico overseas warehouse is more suitable for old sellers who have a firm foothold in the market, while domestic direct mail is more suitable for small sellers who have just entered the market.


Well, I'll introduce the difference between one-piece consignment in Mexico's overseas warehouse and domestic direct delivery. If you have any other questions, please ask.

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