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How do you charge for overseas warehouses in Mexico? What are the costs?
Issued by:Latam Cross Border Service

Today, most Mercado Libre sellers use overseas warehouse services to help them with after-sales services such as product transshipment and label replacement, both to save costs and to be well prepared ahead of the peak season. As the overseas warehouse business is gradually known and recognized by the seller, everyone is more interested in charging overseas warehouse fees. Today, Cross-border services in Latin America - Xiaobian will introduce to you how to charge for overseas warehouses by taking Mexican warehouses as an example. What are the charges?


1. One-piece delivery: The seller first sends the product to the overseas warehouse in Mexico by sea, land and air transportation. When the customer places an order, the seller directly sends the delivery order to the overseas warehouse and delivers the product to the buyer through the local cooperative express company.


Composition of the cost: order handling fee (single piece)+ delivery fee (i.e., local freight in Mexico)+ warehouse rent (i.e., the rent for using the warehouse, generally new customers will have a certain period of rent-free)


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2. Replenishinggoods on the platform warehouse: the seller stores the goods to the Warehouse in Mexico and sends the products to the platform warehouse periodically or irregularly. The seller delivers the products to the platform warehouse from the platform warehouse to the customer while from the overseas warehouse to the platform warehouse.


Cost composition: order handling fee (single box)+ delivery fee + warehouse rent + transfer fee + outer box label and express surface bill fee


3. Product label replacement: For "abnormal" products, or abnormal products caused by unqualified listing review and other reasons, label replacement of these products will be processed before delivery of platform warehouse, and products will be sold through other accounts.


Cost composition: order handling fee + standard change fee + freight + warehouse rent


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4. Basic storage fee: The storage fee charged according to the volume and storage time of the goods.


5. Local freight: refers to the cost of express delivery of products from overseas warehouses to buyers.


Based on the comprehensive analysis of the above contents, the cost structure of Mexico's overseas warehouses can be summarized into two parts, one is the basic order processing fee and warehouse rental fee, and the other is the corresponding business costs required by the seller, such as one piece of forwarding, warehouse filling, label changing, final delivery and other services.

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